Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Pulse rates vary from person to person. Your pulse is lower when you are at rest and increases when you exercise (more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body when you exercise). Knowing how to take your pulse can help you evaluate your exercise program. Your heart rate, or pulse, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Normal heart rate varies from person to person. Knowing yours can be an important heart-health gauge. As you age, changes in the rate and regularity of your pulse can change and may signify a heart condition or other condition that needs to be addressed.
- The Pulse Secure support team was quick to assist us to ensure the reliability and scalability of our VPN environment for the immediate situation as well as help us plan for the long-term remote access needs for our faculty, staff and students.' - Mark Spencer, Manager, Campus Network Engineering, Indiana University.
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Pulse Ecosystems Pte. Ltd
Pulse Ecosystems Pte Ltd was established in 2020 with the aim of making healthcare in Asia accessible and affordable. We support users in every step of their health and wellness journey, helping people prevent and postpone the onset of diseases.
Pulse Ecosystems is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UK-based Prudential plc. In Asia, Prudential is a leading life insurer that spans 13 markets in Asia, covering Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Prudential is also present in eight markets in Africa. With a successful multi-channel distribution platform, Prudential provides a comprehensive range of savings, investment and protection products to meet the needs of its customers.
Our Leaders
Al-Noor Ramji
Lilian Ng
Pulse Oximeter
Pulse Ecosystems is led by two of Prudential Corporation Asia's most senior executives, Al-Noor Ramji and Lilian Ng, both of whom are members of the Prudential Corporation Asia Executive Committee.
Pulse Ecosystems is supported by Prudential Corporation Asia.